Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Gobble Gobble

And just in time for Easter!!
We are surprised to be the owners of two little turkeys! We did purchase these turkeys.  My mom is turning 60 in a few weeks and while at IFA I saw these little guys and thought....perfect! The perfect present my mom will love! Wade and I talked it over in the store. 
"Will she be happy about it?"
"I don't know.....she loved the last two turkeys she had. They were her favorite pets!"
"She will be surprised--that's no question. But will she be happy?"
We took a gamble and lost.  We went out to her house on the prairie and she wasn't happy at all.  In fact she began to cry.  I thought it was the perfect ending to my crappy day.  She said that her last turkeys got eaten by wild animals and that she couldn't keep these turkeys safe.  So off we went home.  But she gave us all the stuff we needed to take care of them. Isn't that sweet? Wade and I are totally stunned.  We can't believe that we have turkeys in our house! IFA wouldn't take them back and so here we are--With little turkeys in our house named Fresca and Cindy.---The kids love our new pets! Every time someone walks by the turkeys they stop to look at them. 
"Look, it peed!"
"Look it jumped!"
"Look it stepped on Cindy!"
"Hey look, it stepped in its own poop!"
They are very entertaining!
Our first pets....are turkeys of all creatures!