Sunday, March 6, 2011

Go To Bed!

I added a new feature to my blog. Video clips from u-tube. My favortie one is on the top about motherhood.  I was so excited to come across it because I quoted a lot of what Elder Holland said in a RS lesson. It is one of those talks that uplifts the weary soul of a mother!~Its awesome!

I had a cool experience while running on Friday. The first two miles were misery. I had to force my body to keep going. But then I got a second wind. I started to feel more strength and it became easier. The next two miles I felt like I could run forever.  But the cool part was that since I was running bymyself this time I started praying and felt an overwhelming feeling of love. It was really special and I know everyone can feel that same love if we seek after it. 

I don't want to go to bed knowing when I wake up it is the start of another long week. I don't want to feel the Monday misery again. Mondays make me shiver! Will I be happy? Will I be tired and lethargic like last week? I think if I am careful about my morning thinks and doings that it will be a great day.

I keep finding myself thinking about William Shakespear when he said something to the effect: All the world is a stage and we are all merely players.
I think that this life on the earth is actually a very short one and a proving ground for the eternities. That our difficulties seem very difficult in the moment but they pass.  Things are only as dramatic as we make them. Its not a big deal-like you thought. We decide the roles we play. We take things too seriously. We should just realize that it is what it is and its wonderful with all its ups and downs. 
Goodnight Love~