Thursday, April 7, 2011

Nothing Important

A day over a week ago.  And our turkeys have trippled in size! They keep us up in the night.  They can't seem to sleep too long because...they get hungry I guess.  They eat around the clock and they seem to take naps between eating and playing. They are noisy. Wade said last night that they will have to go in the garage now. Hopefuly we can work out something for them outside soon. I'm planning on posting soon about; a funeral, cloth, and speach of a certain 2 yr old.

My running partner couldn't run today and so I didn't because......and I won't be running tomorrow either because of my schedule.  Its a much harder morning when I don't run.  But my shoes are killing my feet. These new asics are horrible. I've never had a problem with running shoes before.....I don't want to talk about it....
These turkeys are strange creatures. I've never known a bird in all my bird experience ;) like them.  They fall asleep right in my hands. They don't like to jump off. They actually want to hop in my hand and go right to sleep.  Fresca the brown one lifts her wing so I will pet her under her wing.  They love to be petted and held. It is the strangest thing I've seen in a long time!!! I think they will actually be amazing weird is that??? So these turkeys are growing fast in just a few days.  They have a lot more feathers and they are happy, fluttering around and chirping.  While I'm on the computer there they are so fun to look over and watch. We have turkeys as pets...I still can't believe it!
I have the busiest day today and I get to bring 3 of my kids with me for it all.  I hope I can achieve all these things today with grace and ease!

Love and Light~