Sunday, April 17, 2011


I don't know what is more entertaining or annoying than a child with loose teeth.  FINALLY the first top one came out. On its own that is....
Then the second one was not far behind. It was crooked and hanging down in the middle of her mouth like a witch with one front tooth! It was sooo funny looking.  PLEASE let me pull it out. Please it wont hurt! But no she wouldn't hear of it. I felt like jumping on her, prying her mouth open and pulling that tooth out! I couldn't hardly stand to look at her anymore.  It was like this dead crooked tooth hanging by a thread right at the front of her face! Plus she talked about it non stop! That tooth came out on its own--as per her wishes--while eating toast.  Lydia keeps saying, "I don't want to lose any teeth!"  It is quiet the ordeal!!
I think that it is fun for her to have her two top front teeth missing. I never had a gap like that and thought it would be be able to sing that song...'All I want for Christmas is my Two front Teeth!' Now she talks a little funny, and she likes it! Having kids is soo fun and NEVER a dull moment!