Monday, April 25, 2011

the usual

I wanted to stay in bed this morning. No running today. It is almost nine and Damon is still sleeping. He has had a fever for 5 days now. I will have to take him to the doc if he doesn't improve a lot today. Lydia is mad because I ate her cookie. Andrea is enjoying herself today not having to go to school and is actually reading a book without me asking her to. She had a stomach virus yesterday and threw up a couple times but it seems that it has passed.  Bella is crawling all over the floor and trying ot pick up every crumb or little thing and put it into her mouth.  I feel overwhelmed with the list of things I am supposed to do today. I don't want to do any of it. I want to just lounge around with my kids. I used cloth for over a week straight with Bella.  But today she is in disposables so I can try to pack for our Easter camp out this weekend....if the kids are healthy. So I am to pack as if we are going, but it is possible that we can't go. sigh

Love and Light~