Monday, June 27, 2011


I think that being a mother has made me a better runner. I hope that being a consistent runner again will help me be a better mother.

I ran another 10K. It was my cousins birthday who just won the Utah Valley Marathon. She is amazing and I wanted to run this race to celebrate. My husband is curious as to why I would want to do that and he is wondering how many more I will try to run this summer. I don't know myself. But I told him that its like practicing all the time for basketball and never being able to play a game. I think if I don't race a little I will eventually stop running because I'm not doing it to lose weight. I already talked about it in another post so I'll stop talking about it. But the fun thing is that I came in first in my age again! I was so excited. This race had a lot of up hill. It was tough. I was in pain and discomfort not wanting to run anymore, but I told myself that the other runners were in pain too and that I can do it. I had my music which was a life saver. As I ran through the discomfort I also was thinking about the exhausting work raising kids is, let alone the deliveries! If I can do that day in day out this race is no big deal. I think everyone should be involved in running 10K's or run/walk 5k's. Its so great to be outside and run with people in the community, its like being around a lot of good energy and wellness.--a big group of the runners are  moms like me too! 

After we got home I felt more energy. I puttered around all day trying to get things done. I felt healthy and good. I also feel more aware of what I eat and try to be more healthy all around. I was so happy to see my husband who got the kids out of bed early to see me at the finish line. I loved coming into the finish seeing my little family and their smiling faces.
Love and Light~