Tuesday, June 21, 2011


As I said in my previous post I want to thank Sorta SuperMom for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger award! Very exciting!
The rules for accepting this award:
1. Thank the person who nominated you.
2. Tell 7 things about yourself.
3. Nominate other bloggers the same award.

This is hard to think of 7 things to share about myself!
Here goes:

1. I am the youngest of 6 children and my parents divorced when I was 4. I think I'm a fourth generation Mormon on at least one line. If not, then my kids definitely are. It is a huge part of my life. I try to live the teachings of Jesus Christ in all I do. That doesn't mean I do it perfectly, key word I try! I have many relatives and friends who aren't active or Mormon and I love them and respect their different journey. I made the choice at a young age to be committed to the gospel. I made covenants and promises to Heavenly Father that I am determined to keep. I especially love love the Book of Mormon. It is the most amazing book! The stories are exciting and the teachings are life changing. When I read it, I feel so good and I know that the words are true!

2. I love to ride horses. My visitations with my dad included working on his horse ranch/farm on the weekends and horse pack trips in the summer times. We raise Missouri Fox Trotters. My dad, brother and I rode horses the most out of the family. I learned a lot of great lessons from my dad working on the ranch and riding horses. I gained a lot of self confidence and felt that I had a lot of value as a woman and that I am strong, smart and have a lot to contribute in this world. I learned to do hard uncomfortable things and to face my fears....which brought about a lot of satisfaction when projects were completed, muscles strengthened and a horse dominated into a fine, smooth riding, swift machine. Riding horses makes me feel alive and free. My season in life right now is difficult to ride horses but there will be more time for that to come!

3. In high school I found a love for sports. I love basketball. I was so into the sport I would have died right on the court if my coach asked me too! The lessons about life I learned through organized sports is priceless to me. I learned a lot about being part of a team, commitment, discipline, sacrifice and how to push myself when I want to stop. My first try outs my coaches asked: "Did you grow up on a farm?" They were surprised at my work ethic. My final game my senior year I made 31 points in one game. I also loved track. That is more of an individual sport. I'm not naturally fast but with a lot of hard work I finally made it to State in the 100 meter hurdles and took 6th. I love and hate to run. I love to sweat and feel good after a hard work out. Sports helped me so much and was one of my anchores growing up.

4. I ran a 26 mile marathon in 2001 with a few friends from school. I felt like I could do anything after that. Next month I am running a half marathon to commemorate that I'm still that same person from 10 years ago and 4 children later.

5. Although I wanted to be a nurse and finish college and go on a mission I knew that instead I would marry early in life. I wanted so badly to create my own family that was happy and together. I made the choice to be a stay at home mother and wife as a career. I felt that that would be fulfilling my highest potential as a woman and that that would make the greatest impact on society. Being a mother is the hardest most important job in this world. I do plan on going back to school when my kids are grown. {Actually the funny thing is that I forget to ever mention that I work from home. I manage a small storage unit facility! But my main job is wife and mother!} I am grateful for my mothers example of being there when I got home from school and watching her cook fantastic yummy meals for the family. She loved to cook and make everyone happy with full tummies. I gained a love of cooking from her! She also taught me a love for great food and the fun in eating out! She often took me to Mexican or Chinese restaurants. I would say her favorite was Chinese
----I'm very good at using chop sticks! 
I married in the temple for time and eternity when I was 19 to my high school sweetheart. That also means that I was a virgin until after I was married.--which is not an easy accomplishment even for us Mormons! He is a couple of years older then me and so he went on a mission to England while I finished up high school and had a semester of college under my belt when he got home. Six months after he got home we were married. I love being married!

6. I often break out in song when I am home with my kids. I even make up songs and use actions to go along with it. I like to see the looks on their faces and they laugh. Andrea looks at me like I'm a big dork but the toddlers love it! I even do it when I watch my friends kids! It makes them feel instantly comfortable to see this goofy mom. As much as I wish I was a good singer like my brother, I'm not. I really have terrible pitch. Its embarrassing but I still like to sing! My favorite music is uplifting, churchy music. Not the depressing kind but more....uplifting, or soft music. It calms me.

7. Although it seems slightly appealing and sometimes I wish I was, and every once in awhile I will do one, the truth is and I'll finally admit it,---I am not crafty.

I now nominate these awesome women:

What Happiness Is
12 Makes a Dozen
Empowering LDS Women
Dear and Beloved

That was hard!
~Love and Light!