Thursday, June 16, 2011

Summing Up the Day

My hubby is welding right now at 8:30 at night. That's his way of relaxing and relieving stress. He loves customizing things and making things better. My girls are giggling on the trampoline with their sleeping bags. I wonder if they will stay there all night. My two babies are sleeping peacefully. Damon keeps getting in bed with us in the night. When he falls back to sleep I take him back to bed so I can sleep. He must have waken up in his bed realizing where he was and came back to our bed. That happened three times. I told him tonight to please stay in his bed tonight. I don't think he understood me.

I don't know whats going on with blogger. But I can't comment on most peoples blogs and I can't get a gadget to work to put my 'What's for dinner?' back on.

I've been taking a couple of weeks off from my two week meal planning and cooking from scratch. Luckily I keep a good supply of basic things and have been able to whip up quick meals. Tonight we had canned chili with a can of diced tomatoes and chopped onion. It makes canned chili almost homemade! Shredded cheese on top with a dollop of sour cream. Sour cream is a major staple at our house. I have to keep two tubes of it on hand. It goes in strogenof, cakes, tacos, chili,......
I also made a simple BBQ chicken on the stove with steamed broccoli and potato pearls (instant mashed potatoes). I never had instant mashed potatoes EVER when I was growing up. We did have some on hand only for cinnamon roll dough. Making mashed potatoes my husband thinks is labor intensive. But to me its easy and well worth it and most of the time the only way! You wouldn't believe the pride in my family over mashed potatoes. If anyone asks me to make them for our family event I start to feel anxiety. Luckily that never happens because Cheryl claims the honors and prides herself as the queen if its not my mom making them, who is the ultimate and first master and queen of the mashed potatoes. Food is a huge deal in my family. If you make good food you will be praised over and over again, but if it is bad--watch out. You'll never hear the end of it either. So it is a two edged sword! So when I bring food to an event, I get all nervous and wait for the verdict. "Oh Julie, this is the best Salsa I ever had!" " the best Chicken Mexicali I've ever had." "The only thing that would make this banana bread better would be walnuts!" "Eww who made the pork? It has waaay too much sugar in it!" "Who wants to go out to eat because this is like desert!?" I have to laugh at this because I say my family when really its my brother James. Luckily, he almost always praises my food but I still worry!
I pulled out Rhodes rolls too the other day and had fried chicken with scones. Something I learned from my mother-in-law.
We had sandwiches even one night. Since it is warm out it feels nice not to have big meals planned every day. I'm really enjoying the break and looking forward to making my next two week plan.

I've been spending the last few days trying to get a handle on the kids clothes. The putting away of the small clothes and bringing out the bigger clothes and trying to figure out what clothes the girls won't wear, etc... I hate the clothes! Its a never ending ordeal! Today I think I finally got it done....for a few months. I spent time going up and down in the attic and now I have the creepy crawlies and can't stop sneezing. These allergies are ridiculous for me this year. I also got out the 72 hr kits and updated Bella's clothes in it and added cloth diapers. I'm such a weirdo because I got way too much satisfaction out of updating our kits! If the world ends....our kits will be ready! haha! Have I ever mentioned how completely Mormon I am?

I had a great day today with the kids. Although I'm tired, I love being with them. I'm feeling blessed with peace of mind today and I felt like I handled the day really well with the kids.  Each day is a new day that I can try to be better then the day before.
Love and Light~