Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My thoughts of 8

Happy Anniversary!
8 Beautiful Years!

I was talking to Wade's aunt on Friday evening while Wade was working I was saying something like, "...in May we will have been married 8 years"....and then I said, "wait a second it is May! What day is it??" I couldn't believe it was only a few days until my anniversary and I hadn't thought once about it! I could have missed it!
What could we possibly do to celebrate? I geuss we will have to post pone our celebration.
I wanted to post a wedding pic but that would involve me scanning in a photo and that wouldn't go along with my bedrest rules.

Marriage is a beautiful thing. It takes a lot of work. Marriage is selfless. I have noticed that if I "forget myself and go to work" (like the story with Pres. Hinckly) that I am happier. Not that I don't need to take care of myself, but that I focus more on doing good for others. What I love about being married is the growth that I have had from realizing my own weaknesses from learning how to get along and how to disagree without fighting. It takes a lot of work and compromise, and listening, and compassion to blend two peoples backrounds and personalities and form a family of our own. Marriage is realizing that there is more then one way to do something and that it is neither right or wrong. Marriage is learning what is really important and what things you can let go. I have learned that we have a choice. We choose to get angry, we choose to smile, we choose what words we use and what tone we say them in, we choose to say please, we choose to say thank you, we choose to say yes, we choose to say no. We have a lot of choices. We especially choose our thoughts. Those thoughts lead us. I think there is a corolation between being sent to earth to work out our own salvation to be perfected like Jesus is perfect, and being sent to earth in families. All I know is I am a better person today because of what I have learned being married and having children.

I am grateful every day for my good husband. He is so good to me and never critical. He never gets mad if dinner didn't turn out or if his hair cut was bad, or if the house wasn't perfect. I am so grateful that he makes me and the children a priority. He has taught me to enjoy the journey. I am most grateful for his good heart, and that he wants to do good and do what the Lord would have him do. He is such a great father and he seems to be able to be patient with the kids at the times when I am not.
The other day he rescued a bird that had fallen out of its nest and was flapping around in the rain and mud! He said he couldn't let that bird die that way. So sweet!

I really love being married because of who I am married to. I am not perfect and he is not perfect but we are perfect for eachother.