Sunday, May 16, 2010


34 weeks and 5 days!!!!

I thought I would title this post help for two reasons. 1) I just finsihed a book called "The Help" at 12:30 last night. Very enlightening and good (but as usual when I finish a book I am left wanting more.)

2)I am tired of needing help. Yesterday was Saturday. A beautiful day. I was here on the couch. I really hate my couch now. I dream of getting a couch like Gary's someday. My sister came over and did some no-fun house work. I was very grateful and I think she felt good about the service when she left. That's how service is, something you don't look forward to doing but always glad you did. My mind games have stopped. I have surrendered. No more wondering about how bad sitting could be for me. I've excepted it and I simply wont take the risk. I want a healthy baby and I want to deliver the baby the way I want. All of this has to do with the fact that on Tuesday at my appointment I had progressed to a 4 and 70%---I've been good too! But this week I'm being extra good!

My CNM sent me down to the OB and wanted to monitor me for an hour. Five hours later I was released! Lucky I was allowed to go home. They were catching on the monitor a few contractions and being a 4 and 70 any contraction is a worry. They gave me fun medicine that makes you shake like your freezing except your not cold, your hot. Your heart is beating at around 140 b/m and you can't relax--no fun at all!

Luckily I wasn't in labor because after she checked me I hadn't progressed from that morning so I could go home. At the end of every day I am grateful to be closer to my next weekly landmark.

Yesterday, you know that beautiful Saturday I spent on the couch, I felt so frustrated. I have no control over my own house. In the late afternoon as I was laying on the couch I put Damon's jammies over my face, since that was close by, and hoped no one would talk to me. I just wanted to hide. Since that didn't work I went in my room, locked the door and took a nice hot bath. One of my children keeps acting out. She went out front this week and pulled the tops off of every single tulip. She is old enough to know how naughty that was. Wade and I were so sad about it! I'm thinking, "Am I not giving her enough attention,...from the couch?!" This will all be over soon with new and exciting challenges.
A family came over and took all of our kids with them to go swimming. I was so glad for my kids to do something besides play Go Fish wit me on the couch. We have been so blessed with all the good people helping us. Wade especially is grateful for the meals we have been given. It is the last thing he wants to worry about after an 11 hour work day--coming home to a wife with cabin fever, and 3 kids who need food and attention!

My Mom has been such a great help. I don't know how I would get along without her helping me in the house and with the kids. My sister dropped by with a Texas Sheet Cake!! That made me very happy! She heard me say yesterday that I keep hoping someone will bring over a chocolate cake. Isn't that nice?