Friday, May 28, 2010


My favorite places.
Can I have my body and life back please!!!???

My spirits are low today. They were low yesterday too. I don't feel like talking to anyone. I feel like hiding again. Although I do want to talk to Wade. But when he comes home he has no energy for me. That feels crappy. I wonder if I will really bounce back. Will I have a hard time emotionally? How will I handle being by myself with four children at home, one of which is a new baby? How will the children adjust to the new baby? Will I have any energy? I feel like a miserable creature. Wade informed me last night that he and the children will be going to cemeteries all day with his relatives and have a big bar-b-q after wards on Memorial day. I guess I will just die at home on the couch.....or maybe I will give up on this crap and go with them. I am feeling like I cannot do this anymore.
I got a damn virus on my computer yesterday by going to Good Things Utah to try to win a Disneyland trip worth $2000. Go figure. I am getting desperate for a vacation. I am craving Disneyland which I haven't for awhile. I've been patiently waiting for the time we can go again. Now I am feeling so anxious to go. stupid stupid stupid.
I ended up not being able to even enter the contest, and now I have a virus.