We were so happy to wake up this morning to snow falling down!
Damon seemed to be happy too.
These are the rain gauges the girls made, covered in snow- not rain.
It is amazing how hard it can be to keep the right perspective.
Its a daily thing I have to work on.
The thing I have to remember is that Satan never sleeps. He is always trying to get me down. And the fortifying that we do as a family to keep him away is crucial to make it through this life. We had such a nice Family Home Evening last night.
I got out my guitar and we sang "I am Child of God" and Wade told the story of David and Goliath, which we realized we haven't taught them yet and they were fascinated. I remember as a child thinking that that was a cool story, he taught about the creation of the earth and about the Kirtland temple.
After that we went over the first article of faith that the primary children have been encouraged to memorize this year. It was fun and the kids did really good memorizing it.
It is probably the easiest one,
"We believe in God the eternal father and in his son Jesus Christ and in the Holy Ghost."
We made a little sign about it together and to finish off the night--
we watched Little House on the Prairie! Very Nice!
I have to look at the good in people and the good in every situation.
I'm so happy it snowed today.
Two new posts below!