I am feeling a lot of peace about my life. Are you so sick of hearing this stuff? Don't read any further!
I was thinking, yes always thinking!, about how I envisioned our life to be at this point, since graduating. I thought we would be moved on from storage unit managment, bigger house, better income...thats about it.
Thinking about the many many jobs that we didn't get and we are still at the same place and I feel that it is all in line with what is supposed to be. We do have many eggs in different baskets and hopefuly some of those eggs will grow! I feel that as we continue doing our best things will work out.
An exciting thing that Wade and I are doing together is that we are going to an evening institute class. Sooo excited for Wade to join me in this. Because first of all the teacher is my hero Sister Cox who taught me seminary.
She was the first woman I had met who was:
#1 Excited about the scriptures
#2 Energetic
#3 Being pretty was sort of a bonus (I was a teenager!)
#4 A scriptorian (in my opinion)
#5 A solid rock in the gospel.
She was so inspiring to me and helped me build my own testimony of the scriptures and made the stories come to life. And now here she is ---in institute! Right where she needs to be! :)
I did go to institute after seminary. But felt it was so boring and so sunday school.
This class is books Acts - Revelations in the New Testiment. After just a couple of weeks Wade and I have learned so much about the Apostle Paul! I've been wanting to study this section of the New Testiment where we learn what happened to the Church of Christ after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We are really eating it up!
We have to continue on in growing and learning. Our minds are so forgetful. As we read the scriptures over and over through our lives we change and grow in different areas depending on what we are going through at that time.
Also, we are able to go because of two gracious young women in the ward who are happy to babysit for me for service!! What a blessing!