Saturday, October 22, 2011

So let it be written, so let it be DONE!

We took the girls to Grandma's house. Wade and I went on a little date to Chili's. It was great. I way over ate because they gave us a complimentary chocolate cake I couldn't resisit!
I thought about going on a last morning run but realized I wasn't supposed to eat or drink after midnight. Wade said thats extreme to even think about running. I don't think so. I won't be running for 6 weeks. Ill have to go on lots of walks.
I had a restless night. We left the house at 6:45 AM. I couldn't wear deoderant, lotion or makeup.
I wore a big button shirt of Wade's, loose pants and slippers....and no bra! haha
The surgical center was clean and classy. The nurses were really nice too. I gave them a urine sample and changed into my gown and hair cap. No clothes underneath. They gave me an IV and the anesthesiologist came in and told me what he was going to do to put me to sleep. They gave me a anti-nausea patch behind my ear and on my hip and also in the IV. Apparently when they put you to sleep a person can get very nauseated from it. Doctor came (Doctor Marcus Peterson, he was great!) in and marked me up and said some jokes. I was really giggly and loopy already and especially when he put the sleeping stuff in the IV. They wheeled me into the operating room and I thought it was an awesome room because the beach was painted on the walls. I know I talked more and moved to the other bed but I can't remember because the medicine had kicked in. Next thing I know the nurse is talking to me and helping me put my bottoms on. They had put a white sports bra on me that snaps in the front. I'm supposed to wear it for the next two weeks. I don't know if I had my eyes open or not. I remember vaguely reaching for the nurses hand at least 3 times and put her hand on my cheek. I know a little strange. I don't know why I did that. I felt appreciative for her kindness. She gave me ice chips and juice. It felt like a lot of pressure squeezing my chest. It felt like an elephant was sitting on me. In the first pirate movie when Elizabeth fell off the wall and into the water, Jack Sparrow saved her and cut her corset off and she started to breath again. That's what I kept thinking about. Someone cut this corset off me so I can breath!! I was really out of it. Wade was talking to me but I had a hard time understanding anything. I started feeling a little woozy and weak as they helped me to the car. I was so tired my eyes wanted to stay shut the whole ride home. Wade gave me a pain pill and antibiotic to take. They also sent me home with a couple of anti-nausea suppositories. My mortal enemy--the suppository!! I put one in soon as I came home because I was feeling slightly nauseous and I couldn't imagine what that would feel like to throw up and make all my muscles tense and stretch. I was really sore and it really hurt to breath. I walk really slow and try not to move my arms. Doctor said to try to breathe deep even though it hurts to help stretch the muscles. I slept most of the day. Wade hung out with me and kept track of my medicine. I use a lot of ice on my chest. It sooths it and helps the pain. I started to get a slight fever. It was very very uncomfortable that first day. We watched the new Pirates but I couldn't hardly stay awake. I tried to be a tough guy and went to bed without a pain pill. It was a miserable night because it hurt to move and I had to lay on my back propt up. My body didn't like staying in one position all night but it hurt too bad any other way. At 3 AM I was hurting so bad Wade brought me a pain pill and I slept good another two or three hours. I went in the living room in the recliner with some ice and watched a little TV. I noticed that it was a little easier to breath. We went back to the doctors for a post op visit. He showed me some spots to push on to help the implant stay in the pocket as it heals. I looked at them for the first time. They are really puffy on the top and look funny. But once they settle down they should look just right. There is no blood. Just a little insision on the bottom of each one that has tape across it. The stitches disolve. Yay! This afternoon the insicion burns a little but its a little easier to breath and move my arms. We went to Costco and got some easy food to pull out of the freezer because I said I would not be cooking this week.
I wonder what my kids reactions will be.  I'm hoping that I will do good not to lift Bella. I plan on letting her eat on the tile or on my lap and not get her in and out of the high chair or crib. I think I will be able to work it out just fine. My older girls are good helpers too. Back to my icing!
More tomorrow...
Love and Light~