Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Annoucing the End....

Dear Naturally Curvy Friends,
Those of you who are naturally curvy. Those of you who are curvy because your pregnant or because you just had a baby. May I have your attention:
Do you know how beautiful you are as women? YOU ARE! Let me tell you that I think you are beautiful. I think that curvy hips and breasts is beautiful. The times that I have felt the most beautiful and fulfilled as a woman is right after having my children. My hips are more spread out and my milk has just come in making my breasts full. Although you may struggle with your weight. I hope you feel its a small price to pay for your beautiful womanhood.  So just to let you know if you don't know already--you are beautiful and attractive and blessed!
Love and Light,
Your friend Julianne

Dear Flat Chested Friends,
YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! But I do not feel that way about myself. When I see you being confident while being flat it makes me envious and I wish I could feel more like that.
We know that some times are good where we don't care about the flatness and we feel fine, maybe even great and then there are the times we feel insecure and bad about it, or maybe you don't. My experience is that it is up (when I'm pregnant or nursing) and down (everyday I'm not pregnant or nursing).  Yes I am thin and fit, but this having no curves, to me is not a good thing--ever. After having four children its not a pretty sight. I feel a mourning for my breasts. Where are you? Where did you go? I have a large rib cage and wide shoulders and this large empty space. I've had four children and yet I feel like I'm still waiting to grow up.
I feel so depressed about it that I'm getting them repaird. I hope you won't judge me for this. I feel guilty doing something like this for myself. I feel guilty to be struggling with such a vain thing as if I'm not grateful for what I have. Its very complicated! -- I can't handle it anymore. In two days I go in to return the curves that are lost. I should be excited about it. But I'm not. Its been a painful decision and I just want it over with. I don't know what kind of example I'm showing my daughters. It can be looked at as good or bad. But no one can understand how I feel unless you have walked in my shoes--completely in my shoes with my growing up and back round. I love womanhood. I love the body I was given. I love motherhood. I'm teaching them these things. I'm doing my best. Think what you will.
Love and Light~
Your friend Julianne

My further experience posted below...