Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Finally Bella is on the verge of taking off walking. All weekend she was in the dirt crawling around. Which stopped a lot of her finger sucking. We are practicing her walking--one of the fun parts of having kids! Andrea is extra excited to assist Bella in learning this skill.
There is only a few more days until school starts and I have a mix of emotions. I like not having a schedule and places to go. I also like a routine. The last few weeks my girls have been working more consistently on their chores. I'm trying to prepare them for school starting. Problem with not having a schedule is it gets a little chaotic. The kids start wandering around and complaining about their life. Sometimes I go crazy when they are ungrateful. Lydia lately wants to know what we are doing next and what friend she can play with next.....When its time to clean up or help out the girls throw fits and have a bad attitude. Its always the worst when we get back from doing something special. That's what really drives me crazy! My kids know nothing about timing. Do you remember how you used to plot out when and how you would ask your parents something? I remember figuring out just the right moment to ask my mom something trying to have the best odds possible for her to say yes. Well my kids haven't figured that one out yet. I was so bewildered the other day that Andrea at 7 1/2 years old would ask me right before dinner if she could eat a piece of candy or have a popsicle! I told her that she needs to learn about timing. How many times have I given her popsicles right before dinner? Never. What chance does she think she has that she will get a popsicle? The other problem I guess is that she has no care for time. She can tell time but chooses not to care about it. I think she will continue to get the clue that time through out the day is important.
The crying from Lydia today is off the charts. I think it might have to do with our late nights over the weekend. I'm going to be sure that everyone lays down for a little while this afternoon.

At 5:06 my alarm went off and I thought there was no way I was going running with only 4 hours of sleep. I'm so out of it that early in the morning. But I knew I wouldn't be able to fit in a run later today. I drug myself out of bed and met my running partner. We had a nice run. Its always nice to talk. I got home and went right back to sleep. I usually never do that. I like to read scriptures with my husband and get started for the day by getting ready before the kids get up. Not this time. I slept until 8 something. Amazing!
I woke up the second time and thought about my long week of school starting and Damon's birthday and felt overwhelmed with my to do list. I thought about Heavenly Father and His hosts of angels ready to swoop in and help me. All I have to do is get on my knees and ask for help. Although He knows when we need help and knows whats best for us He has told us through His prophets that He wants us to pray to Him and ask. In fact He wants us to pray always. That would mean....all the time! I felt happy to pray this morning and ask for peace and guidance and that His angels would assist us today.
Love and Light~
I think I will be posting a lot this week~