Thursday, June 3, 2010


I have officially messed up the order of my blog. These first two pictures I was going to put further down. I wanted to show how unique this cemetery is in Pinto.
They do not plant grass here. It has a natural desert landscape. This grave they are kneeling at is a relative of the Forsyth's. 3 great grandpas from Rodney I think. His name is Richard Harrison. There is a new statue monument of him in Cedar City in front of the Wells Fargo bank that was dedicated this last year. My father in-law Rodney is a walking genealogy book.

So what they do is they bring rakes and shovels and clean up the graves on Memorial day. It is a neat tradition. I wish I had some better pictures of this but I was relaxing in the car. ;)
I snuck out of the house on Memorial Day!! It was sosoo nice to be outside. I spent most of the day sitting in the car reclined back. After visiting cemeteries we had a fun bar-b-q where I sat and relaxed as well. So I think I did a good job taking it easy.

This is Newcastle Cemetery. This is Wade's grandparents grave. His grandparents had 10 children and 6 of them were there that day. Andrea met both of them before they died. His Grandparents were real pioneer people. The children bought her an electric washer and dryer. She would use the washer but not let the water spin out and reuse the same water for several loads and she refused to use the dryer for years. She was an excellent cook and was famous for her banana bread, and candy. His Grandpa was born and died at 90 years old in the same house. That amazes me. I've never known anyone to stay in one place for so long. Most of Wade's relatives do that--very strange and foreign to me. On the one hand it is cool to keep deep traditions and the comfort of "coming home" to grandma and grandpas. The same chair you used as a kid still in the corner. The wall paper exactly the same as you remembered it. The same exact carpet still there under your feet. The same little toys they have had for 3 generations of grand kids including their own children using them. But on the other hand it is a little creepy to me, whose not used to it. The fact that nothing changes seems so strange. Don't we as humans want to progress and move forward? Don't we always want to improve our situations and circumstances? I guess for those who have families like that it is special for them and something to admire. Because it brings the family closer together and bonds their memories and relationships.

This is the first time I have visited graves on Memorial day. This is something that was not done in my family. I didn't know people even did this. I think it is really neat to honor your heritage by visiting graves and telling their stories.

Pinto Cemetery. Wade has a ton of relatives buried here.

Before hair cut.

After hair cut. He looks so different and more like a little boy then a baby!