Bella Marie
She is my best natured baby yet.
She has a very peaceful spirit about her.
She is a great nurser and never gets a tummy ache.
We think she will have blue eyes.
She has this amazing hair that none of my other babies had.
She is adorable!
Something I've learned about raising babies.
No two babies are the same.
Some babies sleep better than others.
Some babies eat better than others.
Some babies need to cry things out, some babies don't.
Every baby has their own personality.
It doesn't matter when they crawl, as long as they do eventually.
Same with walking.
It doesn't matter if they talk soon, as long as you know that they can hear, understand, and communicate. They talk when they want to, crawl when they want to, and walk when they want to.
They grow super fast.
My first baby I wanted to do things by the letter of the law.
I wanted to make sure she could fall asleep on her own.
I let her cry things out more.
I had her eating on a stricter schedule.
I bathed her more.
I made sure she could take a bottle right away.
Now I know this is such a fleeting time, I don't care about doing everything "right."
I don't want Bella to cry much.
I want to hold her more while she sleeps.
I want to just sit with her or lay by her and watch her more.
I have no desire to leave her with anyone.
I don't care if she can take a bottle or not.
It only last one year.
So I'm going to enjoy every moment.