Saturday, September 17, 2011


This morning I ran a 1/2 marathon down the canyon, 13.1 miles. It was beautiful and cool--perfect temperatures. I ran about 3 or 4 miles with my friend and than I couldn't quiet keep up the pace. I had my ishuffle and kept up my own pace pretty good. The trees were so beautiful and the red and white rocks of the canyon at times had a misty look. A couple of times I felt like I wanted to walk or stop- be done with it. But those things weren't an option and I just kept putting one foot in front of the other. Its interesting how I'll start feeling better and then after a couple more miles I'll feel tired and then I'll just keep going and then feel a little better.  I felt really good and ended up being 2 minutes faster than my first one this summer! At the end I was able to kick up a gear and past a guy on the home stretch. I ran 7:38 min/miles and feel so great about it! Two halves make a full and I feel like I have sufficiently commemorated my 10 year anniversary of running the full marathon. I feel such great accomplishment that I am in the greatest shape of my life after 10 years and 4 kids later. I'm really loving my age and stage of life right now. I still feel really young and strong but I feel like I have some life experience and more wisdom. I am excited for 30 to come in a year and a couple of months. I think my 30's will be some of my best years yet. I think for me my 20's have been a huge learning experience of how to be me as an adult and of course how to be a wife and mother. I feel more comfortable and sure of who I am now. I feel like I've endured and conquered through a lot of trials and my own issues that has brought me closer to my Savior, Jesus Christ. He truly is my greatest friend of all!

My son Damon woke up crying at 4 am. I went in his room and he said, "kisses, kisses!"
 I gave him lots of kisses on his sweet face and he went right back to sleep. It was the cutest thing and melted my heart!
Love & Light~