Friday, September 30, 2011

A Ponder

I am  daughter of a loving Heavenly Father. He actually created me. Just as my earthly parents created my body, my heavenly parents created my spirit. That means they love me even more then my earthly parents. Just as parents take care of, worry over, watch over, teach, nurture and love you so does our Heavenly parents and more so. Their love is perfect because they are perfect. I can feel that love more when I am quiet and still. I love that I can communicate to heaven through prayer. I'm grateful to know this. I'm so grateful for His mercy and forgiveness and blessings He sends me. This life is only a moment. But it feels long and is full of lessons that are not easy. I keep thinking lately that I need to stop thinking selfishly. That I need to stop expecting things after serving someone. I'm trying to not let things upset me. Let it go. Let it go. And feel love and joy. Forgive those weirdos. Be happy.

My children are the greatest in the world. I couldn't ask for a better husband. I love to watch them and be together. I was thinking today and praying to help me listen to them more. Help me to be in the moment, stop and listen. I think this journey in life is hard. But I see the beauty around me and I'm trying to breath in all that is good and wholesome. I love my home because it is a safe place. I'm so happy to greet my children when they walk in the door from being at school.

My son is very sick with a staff infection. Luckily this one is easily treated. Him being sick reminds me of how fragile our bodies are. He is such a wonderful, sweet boy. He is talking more at home. He likes to use ropes to tie around things and he is so easy to be around. He doesn't complain about what we do. He has great motor skills and drives battery powered cars better then most 5 year olds.
My Bella is still not walking everywhere. But I catch her walking a few steps now and then. She is such a funny spunky girl! I hold her and want to somehow stop time. It makes me sad that she is growing so fast and I tell myself to remember how this feels! Look into her sweet eyes...don't forget!
Lydia is everyones friend. She is especially good to her younger siblings. Damon calls her Loly. He always wants to be with her. I think it is because she is kind to him and plays with him. She is also very good to Bella and helps keep her happy.
Andrea is a leader and is a deep thinker. She likes her space. She is a talented artist. She is creative and athletic. She likes to jump on Daddy and wrestle with him. She likes to be big but envies the attention Bella gets. I have to remember to rock and sing to Andrea more often. I tell her that everything you see us do with Bella we did with you and more. But I know saying that isn't good enough for her.

I'm so excited for General Conference this weekend. That is when the prophet and apostles speak to us and we can watch it from our own homes on TV. I'm praying that I will feel the spirit and learn.
Love and Light~