Wade said the family prayer this morning. "Bless me and the kids that we can travel in safety and that we can have a good time and see grandma. Bless us to come home in safety today. Bless mommy that she can give a good lesson and have Thy spirit with her and that some of the women can gain something from the lesson that will bless their lives. Bless mommy that she wont be sad today while we are gone............"
"Goodbye, love you. Tell Grandma hi for me."
"Okay mommy goodbye love you."
I'm with them all the time. What is my problem?
(Last night)
"Can you at least leave Damon?"
"I don't really want to take them all by myself, but I don't know when we will see Grandma again."
"We could go Monday, Tuesday, any day."
"If she dies soon I don't want to regret going out there without all the kids."
"Make sure you don't travel in the dark. Leave in good time on the way home because of those antelope. Are you sure that the car will be okay, I know it's having problems..........."
I shut the door and let the waves spill out. Just a little cry and then I'll be fine for the day, I tell myself. So the kids will be home tonight and I get a day to myself. I'll go to church, teach my lesson, come home, eat something, take a nap, and maybe go out and see my mom. Well that sounds alright. I can handle one day, right? Silly really I know, but I will miss them..,,and I'm glad I will miss them. My husband is voluntarily taking his three young children by himself to travel two hours one way to go to church with his grandma and spend the day with her for her birthday. That is impressive. I love him.
My son Damon had a hard night. They went to bed late because of a reception we went to and Damon was having a hard time sleeping. I decide to just take him to bed with me. I lay down and his arms are tight around my neck. I leave his arms be and hug him and rub his back. I lay there uncomfortable especially with this belly of mine, because I want to hold him close for awhile. He eventually starts breathing heavier and I enjoy the sound. I love him so much. What a sweet innocent child. I can't even think about sleep and find myself saying a silent prayer. I finally change our positions because it is unbearably uncomfortable now. I lay there and think about my lesson. Do these women know their value in the gospel? Do they know how important the work of a woman is?