Also I wrote this a couple of weeks ago.
It is easy to get my focus blurry. Outside influences can be very influential. But they don't know me and my life like I do. I'm trying not to be influenced by anything negative. When my focus is sharp I feel peace and love.
One day last week I felt angry-and wanted to fight. I rarely almost never feel like that. As I felt that anger I remembered what my husband taught me when we were first married. That most of the time getting mad doesn't help anything. Deep down I knew that fighting would not help anything and only make it worse. I let it go go go. Fade away. And I was left with compassion and the feeling that, it is what it is. I felt success for not giving into a negative emotional impulse. I am feeling stronger.
I read in the Book of Mormon yesterday. I went to the end of the book in Moroni.
"Whatsoever thing ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is good, in faith believing that ye shall receive, behold, it shall be done unto you."
I have read that a lot in the past couple of years. And most of the time I am beating myself up that I must not have enough faith, or must not believing enough. But this time after reading it I felt differently about it. I felt that I do believe and have faith that the Lord can create miracles in our lives and that He does. That He does hear our prayers. That he keeps his promises. Whats the problem then? Time. The Lord has His own timing. I have to take away any time frames in my mind and be patient. And I do notice the tender mercies. Those are always there.
Another thought. What I truly want, is to be more like my Savior. And to always do His will. Well I can't be like Him if I never go through trials and challenges. I have to be tested and tried. And I think it is working. I feel myself changing slowly inside.
I had a tender moment with Wade last night after the kids went to bed. We had a great conversation about our life. It was really great to hear his feelings. It really is amazing what is happening. We are having to completely rely on the Lord.
We are having amazing family time.
We dance with each other.
We laugh with each other.
We eat together.
We talk together.
We read scriptures together.
We pray together.
We work together.
We play together.
Lots of togetherness happening. It is a great family life.
It is easy to get my focus blurry. Outside influences can be very influential. But they don't know me and my life like I do. I'm trying not to be influenced by anything negative. When my focus is sharp I feel peace and love.
One day last week I felt angry-and wanted to fight. I rarely almost never feel like that. As I felt that anger I remembered what my husband taught me when we were first married. That most of the time getting mad doesn't help anything. Deep down I knew that fighting would not help anything and only make it worse. I let it go go go. Fade away. And I was left with compassion and the feeling that, it is what it is. I felt success for not giving into a negative emotional impulse. I am feeling stronger.
I read in the Book of Mormon yesterday. I went to the end of the book in Moroni.
"Whatsoever thing ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is good, in faith believing that ye shall receive, behold, it shall be done unto you."
I have read that a lot in the past couple of years. And most of the time I am beating myself up that I must not have enough faith, or must not believing enough. But this time after reading it I felt differently about it. I felt that I do believe and have faith that the Lord can create miracles in our lives and that He does. That He does hear our prayers. That he keeps his promises. Whats the problem then? Time. The Lord has His own timing. I have to take away any time frames in my mind and be patient. And I do notice the tender mercies. Those are always there.
Another thought. What I truly want, is to be more like my Savior. And to always do His will. Well I can't be like Him if I never go through trials and challenges. I have to be tested and tried. And I think it is working. I feel myself changing slowly inside.
I had a tender moment with Wade last night after the kids went to bed. We had a great conversation about our life. It was really great to hear his feelings. It really is amazing what is happening. We are having to completely rely on the Lord.
We are having amazing family time.
We dance with each other.
We laugh with each other.
We eat together.
We talk together.
We read scriptures together.
We pray together.
We work together.
We play together.
Lots of togetherness happening. It is a great family life.